McComb Legacies Blog

Get Involved

Civil Rights Movement and Labor History Archiver
We are collecting historic primary documents, pictures, and books that will be used to assist educators in guiding students on the exploration of our community’s history. We need volunteers who have a passion for history to assist us in organizing and cataloging donated items.

Civil Rights History Preserved
You can donate or allow us to scan your pictures, newspaper articles, and other primary documents for the McComb Legacies archive.

Check back soon for more opportunities to Get Involved.
For information, please contact us at

About is a collaborative effort of the McComb School District and community members of the Local History Advisory Committee who are committed to the research, documentation, and sharing of McComb’s history.

The website and this news blog are supported in part by a grant from the W. K. Kellogg Foundation to Teaching for Change called “A Community of Promise: Building Strong Schools and Neighborhoods Through History, Activism, and Collaboration.”