Promote the Vote in the Classroom
In October of 2012, the McComb School District participated in the statewide Promote the Vote Campaign. Teachers from several schools used Promote the Vote lessons compiled by Teaching for Change for the McComb School District.
- Shayla Tate and her second year business management students spent time researching the voting rights from Reconstruction to present. The students presented these findings to classes at the Business and Technology Complex (B&T). As a culminating activity, the students led a voter registration drive at the B&T.
- Marie Montgomery and Elizabeth Quinn, English and special education teachers at the high school, collaborated on a unit that highlighted the Reconstruction Amendments.
- Sheree Addison and Brenda Smith, kindergarten teachers, read Grace for President. After reading the book, the students got a chance to cast their own ballot in the classroom.
- Cecilia Quinn-Williams, a fifth grade teacher, read Grace for President and followed with a content rich lesson.
In appreciation for their participation, the teachers received a complimentary lunch from PJ’s on Election Day.
Report submitted by Lakya Taylor Washington.